

  President Wei Yan and many Presidents’ wives attended the First
International Congress for the Women of Influence


(中外新闻社伊朗分社 德黑兰报道)2023年1月20日,首届世界女性影响力大会于在伊朗首都德黑兰举行,应伊朗政府邀请,中外新闻社总裁韦燕同多国总统夫人在德黑兰国际会议中心出席首届国际女性影响力大会。伊朗女副总统玛苏梅•埃卜特卡尔(Masoumeh Ebtekar)主持会议。

On January 20, 2023, the First International Congress for the Women of
Influence was held in the capital of Iran Tehran. At the invitation of the
Iranian government, President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan and the
spouses of the presidents and prime ministers of many countries attended the
First International Congress for the Women of Influence at the Tehran
International Conference Center. The female Vice President of Iran Masoumeh
Ebtekar presided over the conference.

伊朗女副总统玛苏梅•埃卜特卡尔(Masoumeh Ebtekar)致欢迎辞


The First International Congress for the Women of Influence was called
“Women’s Davos”. It aims to build a global women’s alliance, promote the
establishment of contacts among female leaders with high prestige and influence
in the political, economic and all fields around the world, stimulate the
vitality of women in opening up the global market, and improve the presence of
women in global political, economic and social activities.

伊朗女副总统玛苏梅•埃卜特卡尔(Masoumeh Ebtekar)同中外新闻社韦燕总裁步入会场


At the opening ceremony of the First International Congress for the Women
of Influence, the wife of the President of Iran Mrs. Jamileh Alamolhoda, the
wife of the Prime Minister of Armenia Mrs. Anna Hakobyan, the wife of the
President of Iraq Mrs. Shanaz lbrahim Ahmad, the wife of the Prime Minister of
Burkina Faso Mrs. Keylem De Tambela Kansole, the wife of the President of
Kyrgyzstan Mrs. Aigul Japarova, the wife of President of Nicaragua Mrs. Rosario
Maria Murillo Zambrana, the wife of President of Serbia Mrs. Tamara Vucic, the
wife of President of Venezuela Mrs. Cilia Flores, and other presidents’ spouses
attended the conference and delivered speeches respectively.

塞尔维亚总统夫人塔玛拉•武契奇(Mrs.Tamara Vucic) 同中外新闻社总裁韦燕在首届世界女性影响力大会上


In her speech at the opening ceremony, the female Vice President of Iran
Masoumeh Ebtekar said that women have made great contributions in promoting
global development, and the First International Congress for the Women of
Influence has created a platform for world women to exchange ideas across
borders, which will further promote the opportunities for women’s influence in

亚美尼亚总理夫人安娜•哈科比恩(Mrs.Anna Hakobyan)同中外新闻社总裁韦燕在首届世界女性影响力大会上


Vice President Ebtekar used a set of data to demonstrate the current
development of the status of women in Iran: about 80% of women in Iran receive
education, and 60% of women are able to attend universities. Two out of five
staff in government departments are women, including 2% in cabinet, 5% in
parliament and 8% in deputy ministers.

塞尔维亚总统夫人塔玛拉•武契奇(Mrs.Tamara Vucic) 致辞


The wife of the President of Serbia Mrs. Tamara Vucic delivered a speech at
the opening ceremony of the conference. She said that this conference will
become a platform for promoting global women development in many ways. The
future is full of uncertainties, as long as we work together to meet challenges,
we can overcome difficulties and improve the women’s presence in global
political, economic and social activities.

亚美尼亚总理夫人安娜•哈科比恩(Mrs.Anna Hakobyan) 致辞


The wife of the Armenian Prime Minister Mrs. Anna Hakobyan believes that
the international community has long recognized that women are a powerful force
in promoting globalization. In the era of globalization, new technologies and
new information are spreading at an unprecedented speed, creating many new
industries and new jobs as well as new opportunities for women to compete with
men on an equal footing, and expanding their physical and mental freedom,
concept renewal and skill development. The latest transnational survey shows
that women all over the world value open thinking no matter where they are,
because information technology makes them exposed to various new ideas, new
products and new lifestyles.

吉尔吉斯斯坦总统夫人艾古尔•贾帕洛娃(Mrs.Aigul Japarova)致辞


Through the conference, various presidents’ spouses greatly contributed
their wisdom and efforts to opportunities and challenges faced by in promoting
gender equality and further implementing the 2030 United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals. At the end of the session, Iran and relevant countries also
signed a Memorandum of Understanding.


Government officials, experts and scholars from UN Women, China, Russia,
Australia, Thailand, Japan, Serbia, Venezuela, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal,
Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Qatar,
Yemen, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Cyprus, Georgia,
Armenia, Egypt, Libya, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Turkmenistan, Algeria, Morocco and
other countries reached consensus through active exchanges. Mrs. Wei Yan, the
President of Home and Abroad News Press, had great impressions by the female
representatives from all countries around the world. In the two-day conference,
the participants had in-depth exchanges on how to promote women’s influence on
economic activities and business operations etc.


During this trip to Iran, we felt that the black gown and headband are no
longer synonymous with Iranian women, but they are also brave, wise, charming,
beautiful and self-confident.








