法国前总理:世界的和平与发展离不开中国 | 世界观

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日前,法国前总理让-皮埃尔·拉法兰接受中新网记者专访。谈及外界应如何客观看待中国,拉法兰表示,世界的和平与发展离不开中国,世界文明的延续也离不开中国。 过去几十年,拉法兰见证了中国发生的翻天覆地的变化。他说,“试问还有哪个民族能在如此短的时间内,实现如此巨大的变化呢?” 他倡导法中两国相互理解,相互尊重,拓展合作,进入一个互惠互利的正向循环。(彭大伟 葛勇 赵丽)

World’s peaceful development cannot be achieved without China, and world civilization would be incomplete without Chinese culture, said Former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin in an interview with ECNS. Over the past few decades, Raffarin has witnessed the tremendous changes taking place in China. “Which nation can undergo such massive changes in such a short period?” he remarked. He advocates mutual understanding and respect between China and France, promoting cooperation to allow a mutually beneficial and positive cycle.
