2023,我的中国记忆|罗伯特·库恩:面对复杂形势 中国成功提振经济

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  2023年行将结束,美国库恩基金会主席罗伯特·库恩(Robert Kuhn)也向中国新闻网回顾了2023年他的“中国记忆”。他指出,在复杂形势之下,中国采取了降息、提供新能源车购车补贴、房地产政策优化调整、下调证券交易印花税等具有针对性的审慎措施,成功提振了经济。


  Looking back at the year 2023, Dr. Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, told China News network that he focuses on how China dealt with its complex economy, seeking to bolster the economy in the short term in ways that benefit, not sacrifice the economy in the long term.

  He further noted that China has made multiple careful and targeted policy adjustment, including cutting interest rates, support for new energy vehicles, easing of restrictions and buying property, reducing the stamp duty on stock trades etc. Seeking to test, monitor, optimize course when needed has been a principle of China’s reform and it is what China does very well.
