国际专家:中国富有创造力 期待未来实现更大发展 | 全球同庆中国年

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  龙年新春到来之际,各国专家纷纷对中国送上祝福。全球化智库(CCG)副主任、高级经济学家大卫·布莱尔(David Blair)认为,中国政府采取各种措施促进实体经济发展,未来经济前景十分光明。中央民族大学美籍教授马克·力文(Mark Levine)指出,中华文明极富创造力,在科技、经济、教育、文化等领域都取得了重大进步,期待中国未来实现更大发展。(莫红娥 陈彩霞 林卓玮)

  As the world celebrates the coming of the Year of the Dragon, global experts send their greetings.

  “China has made the right kinds of investments for the real economy to prosper,” said David Blair, vice president and senior economist at the Center for China and Globalization, in an interview with China News Network. He expects the Chinese economy to grow further over the next decade.

  “This is the place I find inspiring in so many ways,” sang Mark Levine, Professor at Minzu University of China, in a song he wrote specifically to express his feelings towards China. With major advances already being made in China’s scientific, economic, educational, and cultural fields, Levine foresees further advances in the country. (Mo Honge, Chen Caixia, Lin Zhuowei)
