



此次活动由国际郑和学会、玲子传媒出版社主办、丝路星辰读书会协办。此次发布会有三大亮点,第一是主题发言精彩有趣,国际海丝学院院长锺天祥博士、黄美霞女士开场主持,国际郑和学会会长、新加坡华文作家张露带来精彩纷呈的主旨演讲,从海丝之路和江心境等多方面谈到郑和精神的传承及现实意义,特别感谢了印尼大使Suryo Pratomo关于沉船及郑和下西洋的论述和阿曼大使Anwar Muqaibil对于黑石号沉船后续运作的展望,现场观众气氛热烈,掌声不断。







出席本次盛会的主要嘉宾有:ME. Anwar Mugaibal 阿曼苏丹国驻新加坡大使,Mr. Ahmed Mostafa埃及驻新加坡大使及夫人,Mr. Manuel Solano 哥伦比亚驻新加坡大使,Mr. Suryo Pratomo 印度尼西亚驻新加坡大使,Mr. Victor H. Rojas/Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加驻新加坡大使,张东孝/吾庐俱乐部主席,傅春安/新加坡音乐家协会主席,卓顺发/慈济慈善基金执行主席,李小文博士/新加坡美术总会会长,付晓辉/新加坡中资企业协会秘书长,傅宝联拿督/相圣学院创始人,陈庆力/吾庐俱乐部前任会长,Kavita Thulasidas/新加坡著名时装设计师,陈思齐/新加坡玲子出版社总裁,陈力萍/新加坡天津会会长,蔡蜀亚/新华社新加坡分社社长,李雪民/新加坡制造商总会化工组主席,郑峰文/新加坡兰亭控股主席,陈邦旗/万得国际有限公司董事长,贺琴芳/新加坡眼总裁等等来自新加坡、东盟等多位上市公司、商会机构和团体组织的领袖精英。

此次活动吸引各国近百余家媒体竞相报道,Yellow Pages Singapore、Yahoo! Finance Singapore、WorkSmart Asia、Weekender、New Gravite 、Vulcan Post、Association Blockchain Asia、International Daily News、Asia Insurance Review 、国际日报、华富财经、搜狐网、中国网、东方网等。



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Appreciate the legendary masterpiece “Legend of Mirror” by Dr.Zhang Lu.The book launch of Singapore Chinese Author Zhang Lu’s new work

“Legend of Mirror” was successfully held. This is a crucial representative work of the cultural heritage of the Maritime Silk Route this historical fantasy adventure novel and the “New Book Launch and Readers’ session” was grandly held on March 17 at the National Library of Singapore.

Together, we listened spellbound to Dr.Zhang Lu telling the wonderful story of the Maritime Silk Road and the past and present life of the”Jiangxin Mirror” looking for one inner mirror across thousands of mountains and rivers.

(Legend of Mirror) has been carefully revised based on the first edition published in China. Over three years of on-site research and innovative creation, the author Zhang Lu has intensive the content to be more exciting, detailed, rich in scenes and fascinating than the previous edition. This release of has attracted much attention and anticipation from the media and readers.

This event was hosted by the International Zheng He Society, Lingzi Media Publishing House, and co-organized by Star Dew Club.

Chong Tien Siong, President of the International Maritime Silk Route Academy, hosted the opening ceremony. Zhang Lu, President of the International Zheng He Society and Singapore Chinese writer, delivered a wonderful keynote speech about the great significance of Zheng He’s spirit from various aspects of the Maritime Silk Route and Jiangxin Mirror state of mind. A special thanks to Indonesia Ambassador Suryo Pratomo for his discussion about the shipwreck and Zheng He’s voyages to the West, and Oman Charge d’affaires Anwar Muqaibil’s outlook on the follow-up operations of the Belitung shipwreck. The ambiance was warm with audience spontaneous applause.

The other keynote speaker, Dr. Liu Thai Ker, former Chief Executive of Housing Development Board of Singapore, former Chief Executive and Chief planner, Urban Renewal Authority Director and former Chairman of the National Arts Council of Singapore. Reputed as the Architect of Modern Singapore”.

Said that he had profound understanding of Jiang Xin Mirror through this work. Wherever the ancient merchant ships went, they exchanged precious good, culture, values and lifestyles. He once wrote the preface for Dr.Zhang Lu’s collection of essays “A Touch of Class” 15 years ago.

This event has a special awards ceremony with special significance.President Zhang Lu awarded the “Zheng He Friendship Gold Award” to the ambassadors and Contributors, thanking everyone for their great contributions to jointly promoting the Maritime Silk Route culture and Zheng He’s legacy.

After that, five guests delivered excellent speeches, namely Goh Toh Sim, President of the Singapore- China Chamber of Commerce, David Zhou, JP, President of the Australia-China Economic and Technology Promotion Association, and Director of Wanxinda Holdings and the China-Indonesia Twin Park Batang Industrial Park ,Dr. Chen Liling, Chairman of the Indonesian Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, Professor Zhu Feida, Vice Dean of the School of Computing and Information at SMU, Singapore Management University, Professor PhD in Computer Science, and Darren Wong, Secretary-General of the Dew Star Club, highly affirmed the connotation and height of the work in their speeches. Share their deep understanding and insights on the Maritime Silk Route from the perspectives of their respective expertise.

Thee live performances were outstanding. Tian Ping sang Du Fu’s”Spring Night Happy Rain” and “The New Drunken Concubine”, adding color and fun to the book launch.

As a friendship ambassador for International cultural exchanges and an expert on the Maritime Silk Route, Singapore Chinese writer Zhang Lu has made outstanding contributions to cultural exchanges in Asia. She is currently the president of the International Zheng He Society. She has long-term and in-depth research on Zheng He’s spirit and Maritime Silk Route culture and excellent communication capabilities. She provides Leadership to promotes Maritime Silk Route culture in Southeast Asia and around the world.

Her broad international background and vision, deep cultural accumulation and unique insights over the years make this work with the theme of Maritime Silk Route culture full of infinite charm. She has published many best-selling books, including the first edition of” Legend ofMirror”, the best-selling books “The Heart Strings”, “Harmony in Progress”, “A Touch of Class” and the movie “HappinessKnocks” and others. The latest version of “Legend of Mirror” took three years to create, and it has lived up to its expectations and has a lot of media attention. The publication of the new book has received widespread support and praise from all walks of life. Legend of Mirror” series of projects are in simultaneous progress. Experts and scholars from all walks of life Entrepreneurs and many partners have affirmed its high-quality attributes, extending from literary works to audio dramas, musicals, animation, film and television, games, cultural tourism and other different forms of content, and have carried out extensive and in-depth cooperation in many aspects. Jointly promote the innovation and development of international Maritime Silk Route culture.

Prominent guests were: Mr. Anwar Muqaibal, Charges D’affaires of the Sultanate of Oman to Singapore, Mr. Ahmed Mostafa, Ambassador of Egypt to Singapore and his wife, Mr. Manuel Solano, Ambassador of Colombia to Singapore, Mr. Suryo Pratomo, Ambassador of Indonesia to Singapore, Mr.. Victor H. Rojas/Costa Rica Ambassador of Costa Rica to Singapore, Teo TongHow/Chairman of Goh Loo Club, Poh Choon Ann/Chairman of Singapore Musicians Association, Toh Soon Huat/Executive Chairman of Tzu Chi Charity Foundation, Dr. Irene Lee/President of Singapore Fine Arts Federation, Fu Xiaohui/Secretary-General of the Singapore Chinese Enterprises Association, Datuk Poh Po Lian/Founder of Xiang Institute, Tan Keng Leck Former President of Goh Loo Club, Kavita Thulasidas/Singapore World-class fashion designer, Chen Siqi/President of Singapore Lingzi Publishing House, Chen Liping/Singapore President of the Tianjin Association, Chua Shuya/President of Xinhua News Agency Singapore Branch, Simon Li/Chairman of the Chemical Industry Group of the Singapore Manufacturers Federation, Zheng Fengwen/Chairman of Singapore Lanting Holdings, Chen Bangqi/Chairman of Wonder International Co., Ltd., He Qinfang/President of Singapore Eye and other elite from many listed companies, chambers of commerce, and organizations in Singapore and Asean.