联合国前副秘书长:中国用科技推动建设美丽中国和美好地球 | 三中全会·世界观

  中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议于七月在北京召开。围绕此次三中全会涉及的热点议题,联合国前副秘书长埃里克·索尔海姆(Erik Solheim)日前接受中新网采访。索尔海姆认为“新质生产力”是中国在绿色科技与人工智能领域的创新。这将带动更加高效的经济模式,创造更多就业机会,并推动“美丽中国”和“美好地球”的共建共享。



  对此,索尔海姆表示,应该对中国成为全球绿色产业的领军者表示感激,而非指责或抱怨。(黄方 摄像 何显津)

  The Communist Party of China convened the third plenary session of its 20th Central Committee in July in Beijing. Erik Solheim, former UN Under-Secretary-General, said in an interview with China News Network regarding the topics addressed at the third plenary session.

  Solheim believes that China’s new quality productive forces is integrating innovations in green technology and artificial intelligence, leading to a more productive economy, creating more jobs, and making a beautiful China and a more wonderful planet.

  ”‘Chinese overcapacity’ is against common sense,” he pointed out that we all want an overcapacity producing more green products rather than less, for which “overcapacity green” is good and we need more of it.

  ”China is now the indispensable nation for everything green in the world,” he mentioned that over 60% or more of solar, wind, hydropower, and electric batteries, electric cars are made in China.

  Regarding this, Solheim stated that we should be grateful for China becoming the leader in the green industry, “rather than starting complaining.” (By Huang Fang Videographer: He Xianjin)
